Photo by Johannes Schembs

Salut et Bonjour,


I am a Germany based belgian Artist, Graphic Designer and Art teacher. I studied Graphic Design at the Hochschule RheinMain in Wiesbaden. I can't remember a time where i did not draw or paint, I always needed to do art.

I get inspired by the people around me, my thoughts, good books, love and nature. I seem to be on a never ending journey to find a universal definition of beauty, always knowing that its probably the most subjective thing in the world. I think a lot and I feel a lot thats why I need to expose my inner life in art. In a strong line, in a strong color in everything I do. Teaching art is one of the most amazing things I ever did. To see these young children that they can o something, that they can express themselves and that they are someone is the most beautiful thing to do.

I'm very excited about my life, how it goes on, to meet people, to see nature, to see cities, the world, art, love, everything. Everything is art, if you look at it with love.




Panta rhei





En exposition

Kunstpreis Alzey-Worms "Rom, Wein und Worte" (2016) 


Ausstellung "Grau",  Heimatmuseum Gimbsheim (2017)


Einzelausstellung "Gestaltwahrnehmung", Galerie Schauraum, Worms (06.05-26.05 2017)


Einzelausstellung "One year Self-Portrait", Galerie Schauraum,  Worms(19.05-02.06. 2018)


Einzelausstellung "Mandala", Optics Seel", Worms (26.5- 9.6 2018)


Einzelausstellung "Gestaltwahrnehmung oder der Schatz der Nibelungen" , Sparkasse Worms, (26.09-12.10.2018)


Einzelaustellung "Demut", Das Wormser, Worms (03.12-28.12.2018)


Gruppenausstellung "Luther", mit "sola pictura" Das Wormser, Worms (29.10-31.12.2021).